Work born out of survival and necessity…
Krystal King has used vivid, vibrant colors since childhood. Orphaned at a young age, Krystal found sanctuary in art from the stresses of being passed from home to home.
In pursuit of opportunity, Krystal served in the United States Air Force until a devastating injury ended her career.
“Both of my knees where severely fractured and it was made clear I would never walk, run, or even stand the same again. My career was over in the blink of an eye. I wasn’t sure what my future could be.”
While healing, Krystal returned to painting as a form of therapy.
“I was encouraged by my mentor to always follow my passions. Painting, Ocean, and Travel seemed like they would never mix and yet here I am exploring and painting from coastal Florida.”
Across various styles and medium Krystal uses bold colors and vast movement in all of her works.